Strongmn - Escort in Zephyrhills, FL

Zephyrhills, FL
Last On: 16 Dec, 2024
my location
Home Zephyrhills, FL
GPS Zephyrhills, FL
Distance N/A
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My stats
I Am Bisexual client
Age 50
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Chubby
Height 6'2" - 184 cm
Eye Color Blue
Health Status
HIV Status Negative
This site prohibits any offer or solicitation for prostitution. The information provided is for entertainment purposes only, and any activity which takes place outside of this site is beyond our control and is meant to strictly be between consenting adults.


strongmn is a TS4Rent Client looking for SheMale, TS Escorts

  • Strongmn is Offline right now and has total of 5919 visits to his Client profile
  • Last Login: 16 Dec, 2024
  • To contact please sign in to your TS4Rent profile or if you don't have any sign up for free.
  • strongmn's profile was created on 01 Apr, 2020

About Me

Pretty new

I've only experienced 2 TS girls so far but honestly, hoping for many, many more experiences real soon. I've been curious for years, finally took the plunge, and I think I am hooked. I think I am mostly a bottom but still experimenting so really, anything is possible. I'm 6'2", professional, married, white, male. I am an overall big guy, power-lifter so with muscle and pretty chubby. The only small part of me is my package, but like I said, mostly a bottom anyway. Despite my size, I usually prefer being pretty submissive but can switch it up when in the mood. I hope to eventually run into all of the beautiful TS girls in the Tampa area at least once.

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