Bigpopper - Escort in Naperville, IL

Naperville, IL
Last On: 09 Mar, 22:00
my location
Home Naperville, IL
GPS Naperville, IL
Distance N/A
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My stats
I Am Straight client
Age 45
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Muscular
Height 6'2" - 184 cm
Weight 215lbs - 98 kg
Hair Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Health Status
This site prohibits any offer or solicitation for prostitution. The information provided is for entertainment purposes only, and any activity which takes place outside of this site is beyond our control and is meant to strictly be between consenting adults.


bigpopper is a TS4Rent Client looking for SheMale, TS Escorts

  • Bigpopper is Offline right now and has total of 10962 visits to his Client profile
  • Last Login: 09 Mar, 22:00
  • To contact please sign in to your TS4Rent profile or if you don't have any sign up for free.
  • bigpopper's profile was created on 15 May, 2018

About Me

I'm real...I hope you are too

So I am changing this to help you girls out. You need reviews! At least if you want real, sophisticated, ******* **** who will come back. I would think regulars are what you want. And state a price and stick to it! In either case, stop using old, outdated photos. And please state if you are top or bottom. Also, if you are not into something that particular night for whatever reason, say so. It's really a bunch of BS when a client comes expecting something that your ad stated and you don't do it. Ie., if you kiss then at least say I kiss only guys I am attracted to. LOL. I would say 90% of the girls are liars. Just don't understand it. I am sure there are real jerks out there too as clients but why can't everyone just be honest. So frustrating! FYI: when a girl can't even spend 5 minutes texting me about some questions I have ********************** Our time is valuable too!

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