Loonabunny - Trans woman Escort in Martinez, CA

Martinez, CA
Last On: 16 Jan, 06:27
my location
Home Martinez, CA
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my stats
I Am Trans woman
Age 20
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Slim
Position Versatile
Height 5'6" - 164 cm
Weight 125lbs - 56 kg
Hair Brown
Eye Color Green
Breasts Small
Penis Size 8 In - 20cm
Butt Small
Available For All
Circumcised Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Smoking No
Thickness Thick
Health Status
HIV Status Negative
Incall N/A
Outcall 300
Overnight N/A
ts escort in Martinez, CA
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About Me

Trans-GFE-*** (>w<)

Hi hi! ☺️ My name is loona! I'm a 5'6 120lb Trans-woman. I appreciate spending quality time and enjoying ourselves while laughing together. I love hearing your interests while adoring your personality and catering to your needs and wants. Hearing you out after a long day and pampering you is my specialty! :3 Going out for a nice cup of coffee or giving you a nice ***, to cuddling and falling asleep together for hours on end. I help you recharge your mental battery whether it's through emotional or physical connection. And I would love nothing more than to help you decompress after a rough day or week. If you need someone who'll hear you out honestly and care for you endlessly. Then hit me up! ☺️ I don't bite, unless you want me to~.
My mask keeps my identity strictly confidential so anything that requires me to take it off such as indecent acts or eating is not a viable option for me, thank you for understanding. X3
Social Connections

Loonabunny's blog

  • Loonabunny

    Went To the Mall On Sunday Alone (Late Blog) ☺️

    Posted by Loonabunny

    A thing about me is that I'm very socially inept so I struggle with social anxiety. >.< I'm clunky and weird but I love making people laugh. ☺️ Today is the first time I've went to a mall by myself to work on my social skills by simply being around a lot of people. The thing that go me through it is thinking about which type of lava lamps to get! >w< I'm a huge nerd for lava lamps and they make me feel joyous like any other collecting hobbie. I made my way to Spencer's and picked out the one's that looked the best. It helped because I completely forgot I was in public. ☺️ I picked up new perfumes along the way and went home. It might be easy for others, but it's a huge accomplishment for me.

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